We're sorry to announce that ClipReply has been discontinued.
Pay As You Go

What's better than pay as you go?

All features, no upsales, and all future improvements.

Monthly Pricing

$5.00/per user

  • Media Processed30 mins free then $0.15 per min
  • Media Bandwidth1 GB free then $0.20 per GB
  • Cloud Storage1 GB free then $0.15 per GB
  • Interactions$0.72 per group of 1,000
  • Contacts Collected$0.45 per group of 100
  • Views$1.08 per group of 1,000
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Pricing is billed monthly

Pricing frequently asked questions

See what others are asking about ClipReply's pricing!

Why pay as you go?
We believe you should be charged in alignment with the way we charged.
Will I get all features and updates?
Yes, you will get all current and future features!
What counts as an interaction?
Each time a user submits a response where a record is saved counts as an interaction.
What counts as an view?
Each time a user visits your flow or an embedding video using the ClipReply Player, each towards a view.
What counts as contacts collected?
Each time a contact record is saved to your ClipReply dashboard counts towards contacts collected.
Can I view my current month usage?
Yes, in your ClipReply dashboard you can view your current month usage and previous invoices.
What if I get a whole bunch of unexpected views from a bot?
In this event, our bot detection may detect it and not count as a view automatically. In not, just contact us, and we will correct the issue, most likely in the form of a coupon.
What's media processing?
When you upload videos, we need to optimize them for web delivery. This is called transcoding. Unfortunately, this is a compute-heavy operation. Media processed are rounded up to the nearest minute. This also includes transcribing the audio to create captions using speech-to-text APIs.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, you can delete your organization, which will cancel your subscription and permanently delete all your data.

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